Replacement Filter D
Granular Activated Carbon
- Made from 100% Coconut Shell Activated Carbon, which consists of high iodine number of 1050mg/g.
- Lifespan = 2 years
- Improves taste, odor, color and turbidity of the water according to drinking standard.
Stage 4.2 - Ionic Ball
- Consists octadecyl 3-(3´5-di-tert-butyl-4´hydroxyphenyl) propionate, a powerful antioxidant.
- Lifespan = 2 years
- Lowers the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) value of the water.
- Improves the reducing power by removing free radicals that may cause diseases.
DXN offers you low price but high quality products. Our products are developed in-house; we do our own cultivation, manufacturing, marketing and distribution. From 100% natural raw materials, the quality of DXN products are given priority at each step of production. DXN cultivation and processing facilities are under strictly controlled hygienic conditions and standards consisting of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, GMP, TGA and HALAL.